Same Day Guarantee

There’s no reason to delay.

Our goal is to serve our clients with integrity, and provide a quality service.

A delayed inspection report can ruin a deal. And frankly there’s no reason to delay it. Our extensive training includes the ability to deliver a report on the spot during the driveway summary in most cases.

  • We won’t make you wait for your report. Most reports are delivered on the spot, or same day. If we can’t deliver it within 24 hours, we will refund you $100.

SAME DAY GUARANTEE (the fine print)
Our Same Day Guarantee is defined as delivering the first stage inspection report within 24 hours from the date and time the inspection was concluded. If an inspection report can’t be delivered within 24 hours of the conclusion of the home inspection, Kincaid Home Inspection Services will refund or discount $100 from the home inspection fee. Limitations apply. ‘Same day’ is defined as delivering the first iteration of the inspection report within 24 hours from the date and time the inspection concluded excluding weekends (Saturdays and Sundays as these are not considered normal business days). Some reports are multi-stage, which means they have a first iteration and are updated with additional data at a later time. Examples of additional data are water quality test results, radon test results, or any defects or issues that were being researched by your inspector before being added or updated in the inspection report. Inspection reports are not released until full payment is received, and any time waiting for client to pay is not included in the Same Day Guarantee 24 hour period. Occasionally our third party reporting software is offline or down for maintenance, or an electronic device can malfunction which are possible delays that are beyond our control. If technical limitations occurred that prevent inspector from publishing the report within 24 hours, then the same day guarantee is null and void and does not apply. Any inspections that are scheduled with professional courtesy discounts, coupon or promotional codes, or a discount of any kind are not subject to the same day guarantee refund policy. Many inspections have a roof evaluation that is conducted by your inspector using a drone, RC crawlbot, or other camera system. The roof evaluation is conducted at the inspector’s office or home, and is considered part of your inspection and the time it takes to complete the evaluation is part of your inspection time period and will be factored into the cut-off time for the 24-hour guarantee period.

Call or Text:
(607) 441-6031


If you’re looking for a certified home inspector in Syracuse, Ithaca, Oneonta, Norwich, Binghamton, Cortland, Hamilton, Sidney, Unadilla, or any surrounding areas, we’re ready to work for you.